Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Literary Analysis 9/13

The poem Common Ground by Judith Oritz Cofer explains how an individual is reflecting on one’s appearance after aging and relating her looks to those of one’s relatives. The author states, “These days, When I look into the mirror I see my grandmother’s stern lips […]”. The individual is looking in the mirror and noticing how some of one’s facial features resemble her grandmother. The author states, “flesh thins with age when up through your pores rises the stuff of your origin”. The individual is explaining how with age you begin to see your roots, your origin in the way you look. She is physically seeing where she came from and her relation to her family. The title Common Ground can resemble how all people of the same family have a “common ground” or root.
            The poem Mending Wall by Robert Frost tells of a wall that separates neighbors. People and objects come across the wall through its lifetime. Frost writes, “The work of hunters is another thing: I have come after them and made repair where they have left not one stone on a stone, but they would have the rabbit out of hiding”. Here the author is explaining how hunters at times will knock down a stone from the wall leaving space where rabbits that were hiding would be exposed. The wall is only needed in some places because, “He is all pine and I am all apple orchard”. An apple orchard and pine trees are blocking some of the house or property causing a wall, so a wall is not needed there. At the end of the poem the author says, “Good fences make good neighbors.” Which I feel brings the poem together explaining how even though the wall separates them they are positive towards each other and good neighbors.
            In the poem Slam, Dunk, & Hook by Yusef Komunyakaa basketball is discussed in depth using imagery and emotional experiences. Imagery is present when Komunyakaa states, “Off the rim. We’d corkscrew up and dunk balls that exploded […]”. Here I can picture an individual playing the sport, from their actions shooting the ball to when the ball went through the hoop. Emotion is present when the author says, “When Sonny Boy’s mama died he played nonstop all day, so hard our backboard splintered.” Here the sport is being connected to how a person copes with a loss. By playing basketball one can be playing the sport while also letting out their emotions. The poem ends stating, “On swivels of bone and faith, Through a lyric slipknot of joy, and we knew we were beautiful and dangerous.” The poem ends expressing how not only the talent but faith of the game brings the individual to see their beauty and dangerousness.
            The piece, The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice in American Jesuit Higher Education by Peter-Hans Kolvenbach from a conference tells of ways a Jesuit education can help others and become a positive lifestyle. He says, “Institutions of Jesuit higher education are called to serve faith and promote justice.” These institutions should promote justice and do good teachings for the sake of others. Technology also helps to solve problems such as feeding the hungry or sheltering the homeless, mentioned by Kolvenbach. He explains how students of higher education are involved in every sort of social action in the community. I feel Loyola University does just that. We help to make the campus, as well as the surrounding areas a better place. Through Community service the students can see the poor to learn reality. The author says that the university needs to act in harmony. Loyola becomes one community by being connected to the people on and off campus through events or service. The article helped to understand the Jesuit mission and how faculty and students help to achieve great accomplishments through a Jesuit education. 

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