Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Megan Sisk iExamen 1

Megan Sisk    
Understanding Literature
Dr. Ellis
iExamen 1

            The iExamen helped me explore deeper in thought the ways in which I interact with others.  I focused on my self-observation of the various ways I communicate with people including face-to-face conversations, body language, clothing, class discussions, and technology.  On Tuesday when I started this self-analysis, I noticed that I generally was presenting myself in a positive manner judging based on my body language and clothing.  I was wearing bright items of clothing and my body language was welcoming.  Every face-to-face conversation I had was pleasant because I always try to make the people who I am interacting with comfortable.  The class discussions that I had were engaging, and everyone was able to interact peacefully to gain insight from the subject matter.  Using technology, I was able to contact my family and friends and the communication was the usual loving, friendly manner that I always have with them.  The format that best enables great communication is face-to-face conversation because it seems to be the most effective way to interact with others.  Expressions of the body, eyes, hands, and feet may provide indications of attitudes not verbally offered. 
Technology makes communication easier and more efficient, but I have always liked conversations when I am enjoying the company of others.  During the hour that I unplugged totally from my electronic communication, I relaxed in my room and thought about my family and friends back home.  The way that I relate to myself, others, and the natural world without technology is through peaceful meditation as I let myself become stress free and relaxed.  When I returned to my use of technology, I felt like I was back to reality and my at times stressful life.  With technology, I don’t feel very connected with the natural world, but it does enable me to connect with my loved ones.  I learned many valuable lessons from this exercise.  An assumption that I had going into this exercise was that I wouldn’t really focus during the hour without technology, but I shocked myself by staying in tune with my thoughts.  I realized after completing this exercise that I need to take more time away from technology and focus on relaxing.  It is important for me that I become more aware and focused on my observations of people and in what way I am presenting myself each day.             

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