Event Analysis #2
Monday I attended “Bridging the Atlantic: the pitfalls and potential for U.S. –
Africa engagement” led by Dr. Emira Woods. Coming in with an open mind was key
to understanding the real dangers that the United States cause and realizing
that this assumed great country has its flaws. More specifically, The United
States contributes to a major part of the growing inequality, militarianism and
a term called “land grabbing” in the world. The United States’ growing
inequality is evident to anybody who picks up a newspaper. Everyday there are
reports of more protests along the lines of the “1%”, meaning there is an
increasingly unequal distribution of the wealth in our country. Similar to
this, Africa has an even higher percentage. Very few fortunate individuals have
wealth while the vast majority of Africans farm just to get by. Fortunate and
lucky individuals that escaped Africa and have made some money send it home;
this money outweighs the amount of support and aid that Africa receives yearly.
Africa also has falling commodity process, which leads to a lesser economy and
more poverty than the poverty-stricken country already has. Despite these
pitfalls with Africa, it homes oil and an element that our world is growing
more and more dependent upon, Coltan. Without Coltan none of our modern
technology would work, it is used in televisions, smart phones, computers, and
all technology. Mined in the Congo, Africa has its upsides. The situation in
Africa is very analogous to Hopkins’s poem “God’s Grandeur”. Hopkins says we
need to respect Earth and use it wisely and never take it for granted. In
Africa we mine the earths natural resources far faster than it replenished
itself and we are slowly ruining our beloved Earth. While there is hope for
mankind, until our demand for modern technology slows down, Earth will continue
to deteriorate. Dr. Woods stressed that many people died for the right to vote,
the right to be heard, and to make the effort to register and go out and vote.
Vote for people who will improve the foreign policy between the United States
and Africa, to improve out international relations and hopefully make this
world a better place. As Jesuits, it’s about the common good and working
together to achieve a overall well being. Being the world’s youth I believe,
through the help of Emira Woods, it is up to us to make that change. We must
make that effort and take those chances to change the world for the better.
While Africa was only one example, there are hundreds of countries that need
help from power hungry leaders or a failing government. Go out and vote for
advanced human rights and a better planet, let your voice be heard. I felt this
event was really moving and surely opened my eyes to more than just my
surroundings here in Baltimore.
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